
Monday, October 24, 2011

Beyond Acting: Meryl Streep, Activist Mom

Actress Meryl Streep public fondue everywhere (like chocolate in a bain-marie) Oscar nomination for his performance in Julie & Julia, whimsical and fantastic film about Julia Child and a young woman who tries to copy its success cooking.I am certainly not a film critic, but I do not think anyone can become a character like Meryl. I am an environmentalist, however, and I can testify to another role that Meryl was celebrated with great passion - the defense of environmental health. Meryl Streep and I met in September 1988. This summer, the ozone hole was discovered in Australia, where he was filming a cry in the night, and was moved to act. On his return to the States, offered to help the awareness of environmental problems NRDC. At that time, scientists have been working on an NRDC report on weaknesses in the regulation of pesticides used in food production. The press release of March 1989 became known as Wing of the report (by the growth regulator used on apples), and the Alar, in turn a symbol of the lax regulation of toxic pesticides that can be found in the common fruits and vegetables.Meryl and I worked together to create mothers and others, a group of concerned citizens who gathered to support the NRDC in the fight for higher standards of pesticide residue standards, thanks to a law passed 10 years later would be to protect particularly vulnerable populations such as infants and toddlers.We in turn, mothers and other members of the organizing campaign of the same name. The mission of the organization was to arm consumers with information that could have on the market and in the halls of government to demand safer and smarter, more sustainable production practices by the industry. We encouraged the stores to store organic products, consumers support farmers markets and CSA. We have distributed lists of rBGH milk and beverage containers and food safe. We have published dozens of reports of everything from paint and wood finishing products for personal care, furniture and toys for children. Mothers & More has been a transforming experience, using the power of consumers interested in changing the market, while the way they grow our food to the way we do our business. And Meryl was a leader of change in environmental health and green consumer movement.It's been 21 years since the NRDC report was published in pesticides, and Mothers & Others was launched. Now back to the NRDC, working in simple steps, consumer-oriented news-you-can-use of the site, I wanted to take stock of all took place, and took Meryl remember what really matters most of his time, and what counts today. I had the opportunity recently over lunch in a quiet tea room in New York. I have divided our discussion here (his words have been edited and condensed):That links people, at home, and is a personal matter.


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